Looking for SENIOR MANAGER (TECHNICAL) in Kampala - UGANDA (Africa)

POSITION: Seniormanager (technical)



QUALIFICATION: Bachelors degree plus degree from cipet in plasticprocessing technology and machine maintenance

EXPERIENCE: 10years in pet processing from reputed company/companies

KNOWHOW: Knowhowof p.e.t. injection & blow moulding machine operation and maintenance

ADDITIONALPROCESSING EXPERIENCE: Processingknowledge of pe & pp materials

MAINTENANCE: Mustbe able to carry out preventive maintenance, handle break downs, repair bothinjection moulding and stretch blow moulding machines

PRODUCTION: Productionplanning, trouble shooting, prepare break down analysis

MAINTENANCEOF ANCILLARY EQUIPMENTS: Knowledge in electrical and mechanical maintenanceof high pressure compressors, chillers, cooling tower, auto loader,de-humidifier, driers etc.


Knowledge of pneumatic & hydraulic valves andcircuits

Mould maintenance of multi cavities hot runnerpre-forms and cap moulds

Knowledge of pre-form/bottle testing such as i/vmeasurement, aa testing, torque testing

Interestedcandidates can send their CVs at itcvstij@gmail.com.


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